Clean Bench is a partial purification equipment, namely the use of air purification technology to a certain region of space operations to achieve a relatively dust-free, sterile condition. Used, must be placed in a clean space. The number of its vaccination is not sterile space constraints, the operation is simpler, can be more greatly improve work efficiency, suitable for mass production. In order to ensure the success rate of vaccination,inoculation using alcohol lamp, better.
超净工作台的优点是操作简单自如,较为舒适,工作效率高,预备时间短,开机十分分钟以上即可操作,基本上可随时使用。在工厂化生产中,接种工作量很大,需要经常长久地工作时,超净台是很理想的设备。超净台由三相电机作鼓风动力,功率145~260W左右 ,将空气通过由特制的微孔泡沫塑料片层叠合组成的“超级滤清器”后吹送出来,形成连续不断的无尘无菌的超净空气层流,即谓“高效的特殊空气”,它除去了大于0.3μm的尘埃、真菌和细菌孢子等等。超净空气的流速为24~30m/min,这已足够防止附近空气可能袭扰而引起的污染,这样的流速也不会妨碍采用酒精灯或本生灯对器械等的灼烧消毒。工作人员就在这样的无菌条件下操作,保持无菌材料在转移接种过程中不受污染。但是万一操作中途遇到停电,暴露在未过滤空气中的材料便难以幸免污染。这时应迅速结束工作,并在瓶上作出记号,内中的材料如处于增殖阶段,则以后不再用作增殖而转入生根培养。如为一般性生产材料,因极其丰富也可弃去。如处于生根过程,则可留待以后种植用。
Clean Bench has the advantage of easy to operate freely, more comfortable, efficient,preparation time is short, the boot can be operated for more than a very minute, basicallyready to use. In factory production, inoculation heavy workload, the need for frequentlong-term work, the Clean Bench is the ideal equipment. Clean Bench by the three-phasemotor to make blast power, power 145 ~ 260W or so, will air through the porous foam by aspecially composed piece cascading together a super filter after blowing out the formationof a continuous dust-free The ultra-clean air laminar flow bacteria, so-calledhigh-performance special air, which removed more than 0.3μm dust, fungi and bacteriaspores and so on. Ultra-clean air flow rate of 24 ~ 30m/min, which are adequate to preventpossible harassment in the vicinity of air pollution caused by such a flow will not impedethe use of alcohol lamp or Bunsen burner burning disinfection of equipment and so on.And in this way the staff operated under sterile conditions to maintain sterile material inthe course of the transfer of vaccination is not contaminated. But what if an electricaloutage halfway operation, exposed to unfiltered air contaminated material will not bespared. Should provide a speedy end to work and make a mark on the bottle, which is inthe materials, such as the proliferation phase, we will no longer be used as a proliferationand transferred to rooting culture. As for the general production of materials, due to theextremely rich can also be disposable. As in the rooting process, can be planted until later use.
Clean Bench power supply to use more three-phase four-wire system, of which 10lines, connecting the machine casing should then firmly on the ground line, the other threelines are the phase, the working voltage is 380V. Third-line access to the circuit in acertain order, such as pick the wrong end of a thread, wind the opportunity to reverse,when the sound normal or slightly abnormal, Clean Bench front without wind (availablealcohol lamp flame observation of static and dynamic, not long-trial), should be promptlycut off the power, as long as any of them as two-phase end of a thread to exchangeposition were followed, the will be over. Three-phase line, such as access only totwo-phase or three-phase there is a similar connection is bad, then the machine soundsvery normal, should be immediately cut off the power supply careful maintenance,otherwise they will burn motor. These common sense should be when they start using Clean Bench to explain clearly to staff, should not result in exemption from the accident and loss.
Clean Bench at the back or front air inlet below the metal mesh cover within a normalfoam piece or non-woven fabrics used to block large particles of dust, should be a routinecheck, unpick and wash, such as found in foam aging, must be promptly replaced. Inaddition to outside air inlet, where gas leakage pores, it should be blocked strict, such aspatching, plug of cotton and paste glue paper. Table inside the front cover of the metalmesh filter is super, super filter may be replaced, as a result of the use of long years, dustjam, wind speed decreased, can not guaranteeaseptic operation, can be replaced withnew.
Clean Bench length of life related to the degree of air cleanliness. Clean Bench intemperate regions may be in the general laboratory use, but in tropical or subtropicalregions, because the atmosphere contains high levels of pollen, dust or more areas,Clean Bench are advised to put a better interior double doors. Any case, Taiwan shouldnot be ultra-clean air inlet hood facing the open door or window, so as not to affect thefilter life.
洁净工作台的运作原理(中英版)" alt="超洁净工作台的运作原理(中英版)" />
Sterile room should be on a regular basis with 70% alcohol or 0.5% phenol spray dustand disinfected with 2% wiped countertops and appliances Bromogeramine (70% alcoholcan also be), with formalin (40% formaldehyde) plus a small amount of high manganeseairtight fumigation potassium on a regular basis to meet the ultraviolet sterilization lamps(each to open more than 15minutes) and so on means of disinfection and sterilization,sterile rooms in order to maintain regular high level of sterility. Vaccination should also beequipped with a UV box inside lights, turn on the lights more than 15 minutes prior to useradiation steril.